Im Here For You


Turn to Me in your loneliness. I love you dearly, and I am there for you anytime, all the time. I am your constant companion, your best friend.

When you feel like no one cares and there is no love to be found, that is the time to lie back in My arms and find peace. When you are discouraged and feel like a mess, look into My face and see Me smile upon you, for I love you just the way you are. When you feel worried or frustrated, run to Me. I will be your perfect companion. When you feel that no one can possibly understand the difficulties you are passing through, that is the time to run to Me. I always understand. Set your affections on Me, and I will fill your every need.

In those special times together, our love will grow stronger and our relationship deeper than any earthly love or relationship could ever be. From this oneness with Me will grow your greatest and most lasting happiness, fulfillment and contentment.


Santhosh sagar N