Trying to Bond, Waiting in peace.

May be u don’t think about me
Or may have forgotten me
But the walls will speak the promises u made
The trees will protect the bond we shared
The birds will sing out the joy you gave…
The serene waters will reflect the spark in your eye
The stars will twinkle out the kisses
And the moon will remain as the symbol of care…
The flowers will spread your fragrance
The gentle breeze will give the warmth of you
While everything around me is full of you,
Everything around you is something else…
I wait in peace… that u will come to me …
With a silent call… a tight hug ….
And a promising promise …..
To continue the everlasting bond…."
(not the way u now think either...)
i love me and pat myself......
i hate me and slap myself....
i flirt with me .... i just insult me.....
(And still not a psych either)....