
Looking back at the lessons and tasks completed in the process of preparation for BEC, there were really a lot! Effective communication, process of job application, research report and presentation were the main parts that were covered ..

Previously, I took another module related to effective communication. I found that both modules are very similar initially as we learnt about how effective communication can be achieved. Doing things like understanding a matter from others' point of views, speaking in the correct tone and using the correct non-verbal language are what affect effective communication. The main difference between these two modules is that this module introduces blogging as part of the communication process. I find that it is very relevant as most of the people nowadays like to communicate in the virtual space, which definitely includes blogging. Furthermore, there were a few blog topics which spark some really good conversations online between the classmates. It was a good chance to know one another better and the class definitely bonded better!

Lastly, I am very glad to have a friend who does comment me for all my writings or atleast have time to checkout my fuss in this very blog, and all the very friendly classmates! Thanks all

KeEp On KeEpInG oN

  • Aim higher, aim to the moon, even if you fail, you may land between the stars. 
  • It’s better your sad smile, than  the sadnnes of not seeing you smile.
  • To see things you have never seen, do things you have never done. You will be amazed. 
  • Today is the tomorrow you were worriying about yesterday. So relax, take one day at a time.
  • The most amazing adventure is not filling our lifes with dreams, but to make every moment so special, that it may look like a dream. 
  • When you are so determined to overcome every struggle, you will never meet failure.
  • Even love that is so sweet, can become sour, but if you mix it with wisdom and maturity, it will be love for a lifetime.
  • In this life what goes around comes around, don’t do unto others what you won’t want for yourself. 
  • Looking for a friend with no imperfections, is the same as looking for loneliness.
  • If you want a friend, be one, if you have a friend, keep being one.
  • If you happen to see someone without a smile, just give them one of yours…you will never run out of them.
  • When you have faith, you will find succes, where many have failed.
  • You are not depressed, only distracted.
  • Happiness starts the very moment  you stop seeking your own happiness and you start making others happy.
  • The one who drags you down and makes you feel less, is reflecting in you his own insecurities.
  • The big difference between what is material and spiritual is that the material has a temporary value, while the spiritual has a eternal value…where are you investing?
  • Be patient with everybody, especially with yourself,..don’t take yoursef too seriously.
  • Past, happened already, today is a gift, open it and enjoy it, live.
  • In life there is no general rehearsal, everyday is debut and farewell