It is safe for me to release the imaginary constraints I have placed on my life.
The world is full of opportunity. I now realize that it is safe for me to examine each limiting belief my mind tries to sell me.
When I think back to my childhood, I realize that I once had a set of rules that worked for me. As I reached different ages, I outgrew certain rules.
There was once a time when I was not allowed to cross the street by myself. At a certain period in my life, this rule and others had value. But as I have grown older, I have let go of unnecessary restrictions.
Boundaries that were once useful to me may no longer be helpful in my current circumstances. As I encounter new stages of my life, I make changes to accommodate the wise and capable person I have become.
I no longer need to feel confined to certain limitations. In order to grow, I adjust my thinking and change the restrictions I once placed on myself.
Holding onto limiting beliefs does not serve me, so I am unafraid to shake off these restrictions. Releasing these constraints allows me a full spectrum of choices for my life.
I am liberated to move freely and reach out for bolder choices when I let go of unnecessary constraints. My unbound hands can embrace new truths and new goals.
When I release imaginary constraints, I can see that countless possibilities exist. Seeing a world of opportunity unlimited by constraints is thrilling.
There is comfort in my freedom. I am able to move forward with my life in any direction I choose. I am emboldened to live the life I only dreamt of before.