!!!!!!!!!!!!! Change!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

As of late my life has been a series of changes, one right after the other. Now, I know change is the way of the world, in fact, it's the very essence of life. We could not get from point A to point B without changing our position. It would simply be impossible. That being understood, I still hate change. Why, if change means growth, maturity, freshness and new beginnings, does it scare me so and make me tremble with fear? I know I am not alone in this sentiment, either. Change causes discomfort and uncertainty, and as a whole, we as humans just don't like to feel uncomfortable.

I have undergone many a change in my life. Looking back, I realize that I could not have gotten to the place I am in today without those changes taking place. Yet even though I realize this, the changes I am going through at this very moment are still making my stomach churn. The anxiety is currently creeping up from the depths of my gut into my throat. Yes, the well-known "anxiety vomit" is most definitely inevitable. But, if change gets me to a better place in my life, than why? Why do I feel such terror?

As any good Son does, I usually ignore my father when he gives me advice or tells me how to better plan for my future. But there is one thing that he has said to me since I was a little Boy that I actually have listened to and remembered all these years, because this one statement has proved to be true time and time again. Whenever I face a new experience and the fear begins to creep in and he notices that tormented look on my face, my dad says to me, "you always think you can't do it, and then, you go ahead and do it. You absolutely CAN do it. Look, you're doing it right now." And when right on the brink of a horribly frightening change those words are of little consolation to me, looking back at every new experience, my dad is 100% right. I can do it, I will do it, and I'm doing it right now.

I started at point A, moved onto point B, and am on my way to point C as we speak

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