We Are What We Think

We are what we think.

Never have truer words been spoken. What so many people fail to comprehend is that we create our realities. What is the difference between our inner thoughts and the world surrounding us? Absolutely nothing.

I know many people who expect misfortune in their lives. They claim that they are "unlucky" and use the bad things that happen to them as reinforcement for their pessimistic views. even me some times say for myself "Nothing good ever happens to me, this is just my lot in life." How irresponsible!

Each of us is in control of our lives. We have the power and ability to make our lives great. By the same token, we have the power and ability to make our lives suck. When we blame the negative things that happen to us on external factors such as "bad luck" or one's "lot in life," we are merely passing blame; removing the accountability from ourselves (the rightful owners) to something completely intangible.

I know this is a difficult concept to grasp because we are so used to the idea that what happens in our mind is independent of what happens in our environment, but this is a fallacy. Once we realize how strong the power of thought/intention is, we can begin to change our lives.

Each morning when you wake up, plan out your day. Imagine what you want to accomplish, the way in which you want to act, the mood you want to be in, etc. Visualize yourself in all your activities excluding this mood and doing all the things you want and need to do. If you begin your day in this manner, often times, you will be shocked to find that your experiences match your your visualizations and thoughts(luck in your language). The power of intention is far greater than you realize.

As I always believe, we are the commanders in control of our lives. Through the power of thought - coupled with the power of action - we can change the direction of our lives any time we choose. I say go for it!

Our thoughts create our realities only if we go for it strongly. We are what we think.

"If you think it's going to rain, it will."

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