Be in my heart!!!!!

My love which doesn't end
Will, through every storm, transcend
And like lightening crashing above the beach
You keep me out of harms reach

My heart which beats for you so dear
Keeps away the chance of every tear
And with your hand holding my hand
There is nothing I cannot withstand

Before i saw you, my heart was alone
And now you are the one I have ever known
And like love which will not fail through all gale
Hope my relationship will forever prevail

My love which doesn't end
Will, through every storm, transcend
And like lightening crashing above the beach
You keep me out of harms reach


  1. Anonymous8.3.09

    who is that pal?......please tell me yar or else do tell me when you come here okie?

  2. Anonymous8.3.09

    vivid idiot whoz tha
