From The Heart .........

Through the years, I have had many friends. Some passed through my life quickly, others have remained constant. I can say I’ve friends of age 10, 18,24, even 30 years . Each one is a treasure to me and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

When I think of how precious my friends are to me, I’m reminded of a song I learned in Girl Scouts that goes, “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other gold.”

Friendship has been described as two bodies with one mind. I’ve friends who know what I’m thinking when I look at them. I even had one friend who finished my sentences for me.

Some of my school friends got together for a reunion yesterday(march 9). Most of us hadn’t seen each other in over 5 years. I was amazed at how easily we fell back into a comfortable relationship with one another after being apart for so long and leading different lives. It was because of the bond we forged as young coeds that we were so at ease with one another after such a long absence.

Mutual interests bring friends together and sharing common experiences is what deepens that friendship. I have one friend that loves movies as much as I do. We can talk endlessly about TV shows, movies and celebrities. I have another friend in college who loves literature. We talk about them and exchange some knowledge(Though im little weaker) with each other.

Maintaining friendship takes work, but the effort for me has been worth it. I’m not willing to let any of my friends go. When I make a friend, it’s for life.

I recently read a quote by an unknown author that said, “Friends are kisses blown to us by angels.” I couldn’t agree more. I consider all my friends gifts from heaven. I don’t think I sought out any of these friendships. They just happened – and how thankful I am that they did!

I hope you remember your friends with as much fondness as I do. If you haven’t talked a friend in a while, call, write or send then an e-mail and let them know how much they mean to you.

Do you have a favorite saying, quote or song about friendship? Let me know which ones best describe your friendships.

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