InDePeNdAnCe DaY.........To Me?

Here in India, on this special day the 15th of August we celebrate our independence! Yeah!

Have you ever thought about what true independence really means to you on a personal level?

Creating true personal independence may mean that you are free to do whatever you want whenever you want wherever you want.

That is true independence, wouldn’t you say?

So how do you get there?

For me it begins with believing… believing that I can create and accomplish my own personal independence.

If you don’t believe in yourself, or if you have old beliefs that do not allow you to believe you can be truly independence, you will not be able to create freedom for yourself.

The Law of Attraction states that all forms of matter and energy are attracted to that which is of a like vibration. When our thoughts are in harmony with our highest desires and we set forth our thoughts consciously, we increasingly attract that which we desire.

Once you understand that what you are thinking and feeling is what you are attracting, it gives you a whole new perspective on creating your own personal independence.

You really can create anything you want. Really!

Many people may also define independence as “success” for with success comes the freedom to choose what you want to do… independence. Right?

Do you know that most people are more afraid of success than failure?

Why do you think that is?

I think it is because we become too comfortable with where we are in life and to step outside our comfort zone to become “successful” is scary… and we have to start thinking about what our friends and family will think of us.

Will you lose some friends when you become more independent?


Will you gain new friends who are not challenged by your independence?


We were all given beliefs as children by our parents and caregivers that we take with us throughout our lives… beliefs like, “I’m not good enough” or “I will never have a lot of money” or “No one in our family makes much money” or “I will never be independent” or “If I do make money it will get taken away.”

Remember, those beliefs were given to you by someone else and you can CHOOSE to let them go now. A simple way to let go of old beliefs that are holding you back is with this simple affirmation…

“I now release all limiting beliefs that are blocking my true independence.”

Repeat that affirmation throughout the day and especially as you fall asleep at night. Write it in a notebook over and over… and see what happens.

This is important…

You will notice that people who speak most of success, prosperity and independence have it - and people who speak most of lack have it. That is the Law of Attraction in action.

Are you attracting success and independence or lack?

You MUST eliminate complaining and telling others about any perceived lack in your life.

Begin to imagine yourself with the success and independence you desire. Spend a few moments several times throughout the day just imagining how it feels AS IF(factor) you already have true independence.

What does that feel like to you? What do you see? How is your life different?

SMILE and allow yourself to FEEL the feelings that accompany the true independence you have created.

See what I mean?

“Say what isn’t until it is”

Another important factor in beginning to create the true independence you desire is to determine WHY you want that independence?

Do you want to stay home with your Parents? Do you want to help your Gaurdian retire? Do you want to create freedom for yourself and your family? Do you want to make a difference in the world?

It is also important to remember to be open to RECEIVING what you desire. One simple method of remaining open to receiving is to practice repeating an Affirmation that states…

“I am open to receiving.”

“I am open to receiving true independence.”

“I am open to receiving true independence now.”

Most people feel they have to “see it before they believe it,” when in fact you can learn to “believe it before you see it.”

See the difference?

When you can learn to believe it before you see it, you will see your life begin to shift and you will begin to attract to you real and true independence.

Happy Independence Day!

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