Harmony in Humanity

Part of what I love so much about writing, and in fact the very mission of this blog, is the ability to connect with and relate to others through shared stories. The written word is such a powerful, viral way to reach others. By sharing our stories, we invite others inside our own worlds and us inside theirs. We have built a unique bond, sometimes with an individual we’ve never even met in person, that is both strong and genuine. In a world where there is far too much disconnectedness, aggression and animosity, communication and sharing our unique yet often universal personal tales truly ties us together. Though the world is composed of people of different genders, a variety of colors, religious beliefs, sexual orientations, values and goals, one thing unites us: we are all humans, sharing a journey through life. Our stories and our paths may not be exactly the same, but we are all moving along together, learning, laughing, mourning, growing, healing, loving, being. When we share our tales with others, we find commonalities between us that we may never have realized, or been exposed otherwise. Despite our best efforts to deny it, we as humans are each much more alike than we think. Beyond being the main goal of my writing, this is also my mission in life: share bits and pieces of my innermost self in effort to connect with others (and in the process, I have found I can’t help but become more self-aware and understanding of me as well).

So, as you might expect, I love when readers reach out to tell me they related to a blog I posted or article I wrote. In a way, this makes me feel more complete, and as though I’m fulfilling my life’s purpose. By the same token, I can also appreciate when people do not share my viewpoints, or relate to a tale I’ve expressed. After all, the beauty of life also lies in our differences.

If you have the inkling to connect too, I urge you to write. Even if it’s just in your own personal notebook. Connecting with oneself is equally, if not the MOST, important. The eye-opening journey toward self-awareness and acceptance is the first (and crucial) step toward connecting with and accepting others. This is important, as I am learning through my own inner and outer journeys; there is real harmony in humanity.

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